Carolan and I knocked on the door and were welcomed in by one of our witnesses and his partner. After a chat and drink of tea, I set up my camera for an interview while we waited for the other witness to turn up.I asked witness 1 to start at the beginning then he related his part of what he recalled of his event.
He and witness 2, his friend had gone up to winter Hill for a night walk, they pulled up and got out of the van and entered a field through a gate near a fallen down stone wall, crossing over it into another field, on entering that field, witness 2 took a couple of steps and kicked something on the ground, witness 1 then pointed his torch down onto the ground to see what witness 2 had kicked. They were both shocked by what they saw. There was lying on the floor a sheep that had been ripped open at the chest and had its head removed and steam rising from its body where the heat and cold air met. witness 1 at this point raised his torch to look around to see if he could see anything. He then went on to say he thought he saw red eye shine, and something moved swiftly before disappearing, then came a growl that scared them both, at which point witness 1 asked witness 2 if it was a bear, to which witness 1 replied we don’t have bears in this country. At this they both walked shoulder to shoulder back to the gate which witness 2 went through, and witness 1 jumped over the barbed wire fence back onto the lane. They both marched as quick as they could whilst hearing growls circling them one or two seconds from the left and then the next couple of seconds from the right and then left again before locking themselves in the van, then they quickly got to a nearby lane before stopping to get their heads around the situation.
Before setting back home they Googled different animal growls including wolves which didn’t sound like what they heard, then messing about witness 1 said to Google “the sound of a werewolf” and they were both shocked to hear the sound that sounded very close to the growl they had heard in the field.
We then waited for witness 2 to turn up. We chatted some more and when he turned up we then listened to his event of that night, which he related to us in a manner of nervousness and at one point his hands were sweating from him feeling anxious about going through what had happened on the moors of Winter Hill that night. He also said he would not go up there again on his own at night again.
After the interview witness 1 took us to the spot of the growls and the sheep. As he ran through the event I filmed and we walked around the inner wall of the field, we then came across another sheep similar to the first, this one with the head removed and the skull wedged into the wall, and a vertebrate piece placed on top. At this spot we came across what looked like a paw print with three pads.
We all went up on Saturday 31st October to see if anything would happen but didn’t see anything, we also placed a trail cam up in the field. We didn’t capture any footage.
Carolan and myself went up on Sunday to have another look round and found something we had missed at the first sheep we came across where the witnesses heard the growls. On top of the wall were two stone wall toppers leaning against one another in a pyramid shape with two vertebrates placed in the middle.
We shall be making regular outings up there to see if there are any more strange events happening over the coming months.
Account four on video 16:20 mins in.
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