I've only ever spoken about this incident/experience with one other person, which was a couple of years ago now. Prior to that, I'd never breathed a word of it, basically for fear of ridicule, as that is what normally happens to people who experience things like this. I was planning on telling my current partner but she thinks such things are ludicrous, so I've always kept it to myself.
So basically, I used to work at the CWS/Rockware glassworks which was off Webster Street in Platt Bridge, Wigan. This factory used to back on to the land where the flashes are, it closed in '91 and was demolished in the 90s and a new housing estate now stands there.
The factory originally used to have some of its raw materials delivered by rail, and the old supply rail lines were still there but were disused in the 1980's although the company had never closed the opening in the fence where the rails came into the factory. Myself and a work mate used this route to sneak out on a late/night shift and go walking around the flash and down that section of the Leeds/Liverpool canal. This used to happen anytime between 7 and 8pm or on nights between 1am and 4am. We'd often hear sounds as if someone was following us and what we perceived as growling noises but we always just put it down to our imaginations or maybe even stray dogs. Then one night but a stop to our sneaking out. We never left the building after what happened.
Then one particularly clear moonlit night in Sept/Oct 1987 we were both out and just walking around and enjoying the night. We could hear fairly loud footstep noises that sounded as if someone was walking and they were coming towards us. So we crouched down in the bushes (they are full grown trees now and fairly dense but back then they weren't so big). Because of where we were, we thought it was probably a couple of work mates who sometimes came with us or went out on their own and were making their way back to work.
My mate who was with me whispered something to me and 'it' stopped dead, it either heard him speak or smelled us as ‘it’ stopped suddenly. We were silent and after what seemed like ages, whatever it was, took a couple of steps and moved into a position where we could see it. It was about 30 ft away from us, and ‘it’ was very big. It looked to be possibly around 7ft tall, the moonlight was behind ‘it’ so the front of ‘it’ was in silhouette, so I couldn't make any facial or bodily features out. It had its arms raised out to its side but lower than shoulder height. My first thought was that it was a big guy with straggly hair wearing a cowboy style jacket, the kind with the tassels running down the arms, but I realised it was hair that was about 4 to 5 inches long. Then all of a sudden ‘it’ let out this extremely loud and very long scream/roar. It sounded like a man to start with but the volume was absolutely ear splitting and I could feel the noise inside me, as if I was standing next to a big speaker.
The scream/roar I'd guess lasted for 10 or 15 seconds, it tailed off in the middle then went loud again before ending in a deep roar. I felt dizzy/nauseous, but this passed and I remember rubbing my eyes feeling like they were really dry and stinging a bit, when I opened my eyes again, it was completely gone, and we couldn't hear it walking away. The weird thing was, I felt like I was in a soundproof room, all the time this went on, no noise at all, once it disappeared, all felt normal again and we could hear the factory noises in the background.
We didn't want to move but had to, to get ourselves back to work. After about 10 mins, finally we plucked up the courage to head back, we really got a move on and we're more or less walking with our heads facing backwards trying to make sure ‘it’ wasn't behind us. We were talking about what it could have been. But we couldn't actually say what it was at the time. I had heard of Bigfoot when I was a kid watching Arthur C. Clarke's mysterious world but I figured they were only in America. We got back and my mate told me not to say anything to anyone as we'd have the p*ss taken out of us relentlessly at work, and I agreed.
My friend, by the way, is a big fellow, he is 6ft 4, but this thing was way taller than him. Also he was a hard case and no one messed with him but this thing petrified him, he was white and shaking. I've tried to speak to him about it a couple of times over the years but he just shuts me down, says that as far as he's concerned it didn't happen as things like that don't exist.
It's only in recent years, with the advent of various Facebook groups that I believe what we saw was probably a British bigfoot/wildman/woodwose, call it what you will. Also something to mention is that we weren't far from what we as kids called the Murder bridge/devil's bridge. I used to take my dog walking around there a few years ago as it's now a nice walk through the woods, but I always had a feeling I was being watched so I always took someone else with me.